Share Your Story
Call (202) 753-6570 to tell us about a wild night at your favorite queer bar, a trip with your queer friends to the park, your favorite queer book club, and more. Queering the District Podcast wants to hear about the “third places” that mean the most to you in Washington, D.C. Whether it be a specific memory, a minute-long rant, or something in between, share what makes your place so special by leaving a voicemail at (202) 753-6570.
Some examples of “places” include, but are not limited to, bars, bookstores, community centers, houses/apartments, parks, streets, social media, online forums, and more. The place doesn’t need to be a physical location. If you “go” to this “place” to interact with other queer people, we want to hear about it!
Don’t want to leave a voicemail? Submit your response using our google form.
By leaving a voicemail or submitting a response in the form, you give us permission to use your name and biographical data. You are giving the Queering the District Podcast the right to develop, produce, distribute, advertise, promote, or otherwise use the voicemail in any manner that the podcast deems appropriate. By leaving a voicemail you understand and acknowledge that the Queering the District Podcast will be the sole owner of all copyright and other rights in and to the voicemail.