Three row houses, a home with the progress flag in the window, a coffee shop, and a bar, with a flashing neon sign reading queering the district podcast above the buildings in the background.

what is the podcast?

Queering the District Podcast, will explore the role, history, and stories “third places” have held across time for the Queer community in Washington, D.C. Join us as we journey as far back as the 19th century and make our way back to the present day to see how various types of Queer “third places,” such as bars, parks, houses, and more, have evolved over time. You’ll hear from Queer elders, academic experts, and even that one drunk friend leaving a voicemail in their favorite bar as they share the stories of Queer folks who have and continue to gather in defiance, solidarity, and celebration across the District.

Star doodle
Rainbow doodle

Who we are

Smiley face doodle
Ellie and Abby sitting on a couch, smiling and laughing

A few years ago, we made the transition from the suburbs in Colorado to our first major city: Washington, D.C. Abby moved out here for school amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and Ellie followed a few years later after some gentle harassment from Abby. While we quickly realized the District is an extremely special place, we struggled for a while, and sometimes still do, to find our place in it. As Queer folks, we really wanted to find where people were gathering, and with so many different spaces, people, and history packed into one city, we struggled to find where we fit.

As we continued to fall in love with the city, we also realized how little we knew about local history, especially Queer history. If we were going to step into these spaces, we wanted to know what they have meant to folks in the District over time. After just a little digging, we realized this city was bursting to the seams with Queer history and spaces. A door opened that we didn’t want to, nor could, close.

It was from these two things: a desire to connect with others and to learn more about the Queer people and places that have shaped the District, that this podcast was born.

Flower doodle

meet the team

Please enjoy a photo from our childhood that made us think: wow…ur gay

Heart doodle
Heart doodle
Headshot of Abby Stuckrath
A young Abby wearing a long pink petticoat, holding a black purse, with glasses and a bob.

Abby Stuckrath (she/they)

host and producer

what’s the gayest thing about you?

“me on my ipad in middle school googling ‘two girls kissing’”

Star doodle
Flower doodle
Headshot of Ellie Stuckrath
A young Ellie with their father wearing long basketball shorts and a large soccer t-shirt, with their hair in a ponytail.

ellie Stuckrath (any/all)


who are your top tier gender idols?

“conan gray, gill from nemo, beaker…duh.”

Headshot of Mads Reagan
Young Mads wearing overalls  and smiling.

mads reagan (she/her)

creative director

what’s your favorite queer movie moment?

“jobu tupaki’s outfits in everything everywhere all at once.”

Smiley face doodle